The Encyclopedia Puritannica Project (EPP) is an inter-denominational federation of Christians who are committed to the orthodox truths of Scripture. They believe these truths to be well understood, articulated, and applied by the Puritans and other Reformed teachers—both past and present. Many of their works have been forgotten by the modern church and have thus become practically inaccessible. It is their desire to see these works, among the best in the history of Christendom, go forth to the nations once again. This project, begun in 1998, is dedicated to the accomplishment of this task.I have just made a brief visit to this site, which looks promising as a potential resource for pastors and other Christian leaders and students. The CD contents are listed on the web-site, so it's easy to see what you'd get if you paid the $99.95 for version 3. There are works by 112 authors ranging from Archibald Alexander to Thomas Witherow. Testimonials are somewhat sparse! There's only one so far.