Sunday, July 30, 2006

Nigel Lee (1946-2006)

Nigel Lee: loving the lost, passionate for Christ, 1946-2006

The link is to the obituary of my friend Nigel Lee in the May 2006 issue of the magazine Evangelicals Now. Nigel and I were at university together in the late 1960s, and became close friends after I became a Christian in 1966. We were at the same college (Trinity), though reading different subjects (he read English, I read Mechanical Sciences). Both of us were active in the CICCU (Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union) and in Operation Mobilisation, to which we were introduced in the summer of 1967. We both attended the Open Brethren meeting at Roseford Hall in Cambridge, which was where both of us were baptized as believers in the Spring term of 1967.

Nigel went on eventually to become one of the foremost evangelists and Bible teachers in Great Britain, and was frequently in demand as a speaker at University Missions and Christian conventions.

He is now eternally with the Lord Jesus Christ whom he loved and served so well.